Headteacher's Welcome

Tyneview Primary School is a vibrant and successful school in Walker in the East End of Newcastle and part of the NEAT Trust. Staff, children, families and the community are very proud of Tyneview and we strive to do the best for all.

We cater for primary-aged children from the age of 2 – 11 years and are a single form entry school with an Additionally Resources Provision for up to 10 pupils with Communication Difficulties; staff therefore have to fully understand the curriculum alongside opportunities we provide.

Our school motto is ‘maximising potential’ which is what we do through delivering what each individual child needs. We want all of our children to be happy and content at school while learning, and strive to provide a high-quality and relevant curriculum for all. We set high expectations and want to give our children every opportunity to become confident and independent learners.

Our aim is to be as inclusive as possible making sure that any opportunities to develop knowledge, skills and resilience are taken. At Tyneview, children and staff recognise the importance of building positive relationships with each other; with families and the local community and this is an integral part of everything that we do at Tyneview. We know our children well and staff understand the context of the school and the community.

I hope you find the information on our website useful, and that it will help us to form the beginning of a successful partnership in your child’s education.

Relational Practice in Action: Supporting Every Child at Tyneview Primary School