Our curriculum is the totality of pupils’ learning experiences. At Tyneview Primary School we believe that our curriculum should be broad, balanced and relevant and meet the needs of all children irrespective of their ability, background or experiences.
Curriculum Aims and Intent
The aims of the curriculum are to:
- Promote high standards in reading, writing and numeracy from every starting point
- Allow children to develop a knowledge of themselves
- Enable children to acquire important knowledge and skills
- To have wonder about time and space
- Promote spiritual development throughout all school topics
- Promote physical and mental development and an awareness of the importance of a healthy lifestyle
- Enable children to be aware of the importance of and participate in the arts and related cultural themes throughout all school topics
- Enable children to be confident in the use of ICT
- Enable pupils to develop moral sensibility through carefully taught values
- Develop the personal and social skills of each child
- Prepare pupils for the opportunities, responsibilities and experience of the next step in school and adult life
Curriculum Design
The curriculum is broad and planned effectively, providing progression of skills using NEAT progression documents, Chris Quigley milestones and the National Curriculum. It promotes an enjoyment of learning and a commitment to learning and achieving. The community support us to design and have a say on their curriculum. Teachers understand how children learn best and choose from a range of research pedagogy’s when designing and delivering there lessons. The mental wellbeing of children and the use of nurture is paramount when supporting children to begin their learning and many strategies are used from a strong SEND and welfare team to support staff when children may have had a difficult start to the day.
The Organisation of the Curriculum
- The curriculum is taught through whole school topics. These topics are chosen by staff and the community to highlight world and or commhnity issues but are enhanced by the children’s thoughts, needs and ideas.
- A whole school long term plan indicates the broad objectives and the links between subjects including collapsed weeks for one off projects. Eg healthy weeks, STEM and RE etc.
- A medium term plan is produced by each class teacher using the objectives from the National Curriculum and Chris Quigley milestones in the form of a concept map. The plans indicate key important people, knowledge and skills to be taught. As well as key vocabulary and the milestones to be covered.
- Literacy and numeracy Medium term planning is given out by the coordinators. (Numeracy –Whiterose and Literacy from National Curriculum.
- Short term plans are written by each class teacher. These contain; milestones and objectives for each ability group if necessary.
- Literacy is linked to whole school topics.
- The RE scheme of work follows the Newcastle SACRE.
Science Principles
Staff and children have worked together to devise key principles for our science lessons at Tyneview. We are really excited to see how many we can fit into each lesson.
Below are links to opportunities for out of school science activities: